Author Presentation and Talk - Marnie Bickle, 'On Display' - This event has already occurred
Saturday, October 26, 2024 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
51 King St Port Hope
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Event Details:
Marnie will be presenting her new book at 4:00 pm Saturday, October 26, 2024 St Mark's Anglican Church Parish Hall 51 King St Port Hope
Includes archival display of the royal visit.
In conjunction with Friends of the Port Hope Public Library and St Mark's Heritage Foundation
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Marnie Hare Bickle’s second book, On Display, gives an historical snapshot of the summer of 1959 when J. David
Ford was hired as translator for two Inuit carvers from the East Arctic for the duration of the Stratford Shakespearean
Festival Exhibitions. Ford’s letters home to his wife convey a backroom view of translating and caring for the young men, talking with
thousands of visitors to the Exhibitions, rubbing shoulders with the Shakespearean actors, staff and their families, and
the highlight: meeting Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, chatting with the royal couple and translating for them and the carvers.
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